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วันเสาร์ที่ 1 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2559

Learning log12

Date: 27/09/2016

      This week I learned about how to create rollover caption and rollover image in my lesson. It was about the text we point mouse and it would appear image that related to the text or the image that appear vocabulary/ voice when students point mouse. In addition, I've learnt about how to add games for example, word search, or memory game into my CALL. I could do it by click interactions and then learning interactions. We could choose the interesting games to insert between lesson and test. Moreover, I learned how to add audio when we point mouse around words, sentences, or photos. All of these could attract students wanted to learned and could understand the lesson more and could help them relax.
วันศุกร์ที่ 30 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2559

Learning log11

Date: 20/09/2016

      This week I learned about how to create all types of test such as, multiple choice, true/false, fill-in-the-blank, matching, and short answer.  Multiple choice test, we used it in pre-test and post-test. First, I had to type the questions and provide the choices did not forget to click in front of the right answer. Matching, I had to provide the choice in two columns (vocabulary-picture) and let student match them together correctly. I learnt about setting the program appropriately to make my lesson better and more interesting. Lastly, I can use this knowledge to make students interested in or wanted to learn in my lesson more.

Learning log10

Date: 13/09/2016

      This week, I knew English was taught in a foreign language (EFL). So, the educators or teachers have to pay attention to improve ELT in Thailand because technologies computers important for communication in our life. It have a powerful tools to communicate with people around the world. Moreover, teacher taught  to create my CALL in Adobe Captivate 8. I did the first slice that student have to sign up their name, menu, and pre-test to link each other.  It very easy to create but made it beautiful and interesting are very difficult.

Learning log9

Date: 06/09/2016
      This week I learned about Computer Assisted Language Learning and English Language Teaching in Thailand. This study was about applying CALL in Thailand. CALL is widely accepted to be a tool which can be used to facilitate the language learning process. This article also attempts to forge Thai English teachers to try to maximize the opportunities offered by technological advances. The main purpose was to improve or develope the learner's competence. For the reason that Thai students had unsatisfied of nation's test score (O-NET). So, the educators or teachers had to pay attention to improve ELT in Thailand. The advantages of CALL are students can have an opportunity to interact in one or more of the four skills, namely listening, speaking, reading, and writing because they have to use or produce text meant for an audience in the target language, not the classroom Therefore, I tried to use Adobe Captivate 8 to be a  tools to make CALL for students in next time.

Learning log8

Date: 30/08/2016
      Today, Teacher taught about element of CAI.It was four elements.
2.Voice and music
5,Interactive links/Feedback
And I learned the parts of CAI
4.Main Menu
6.Post Test
7.Summary - Application
     Moreover, I learned about the process to create CALL. In addition, we had to present the research which was about the process of applying new technology in English teaching is challenged English teacher. Applying CALL to teach has become a new trend to advanced countries. There was the integration between technology and English teaching to use with language efficiently and how to teachers’ effort technology with the professional abilities. The education  need information of technology to used in school, fostering the coordination of policy and resources. Though this process is very importance, it can help teachers to build.
วันจันทร์ที่ 5 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2559

Learning log7

Date: 16/08/2016

      This class I knew the words false friends that Thai people used from English in different meaning from our pair work that teacher checked. I learned about parellel concordance in Thai language. Moreover, this week we presented the research named "Applying Innovative Spirit to  Multimedia Foreign  Language Teaching" Multimedia should be a method to assist teachers to convey knowledge and a cognitive tool to create situations for students for coordinative and active learning.Students have to learn in groups, learn texts and refer to materials with Internet materials. Therefore, multimedia would bring about more positive changes to foreign language teaching and the greater achievements would be use in our foreign language teaching.
วันเสาร์ที่ 27 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2559

Learning logุ6

Date  : 16/08/2016
           This week I learned how to made my special corpus . The topic of my corpus was "Beverages". I've had to combine the data information by typed them in notepad . There were 68,000 words in my corpus.Then save and upload them into Antconc. The teacher taught me to  collected and found the terminologies and collocation word such as caffein, distilled, or alchemist etc. There were local grammar liked one word had two parts of speech and use as plural than singular. In addition, It was style of word liked simile, use of, infinitive & gerund. Moreover, there were content knowledge. For example, use of known as to clarify terms such as to give example.finally,we presented about the research that gave information which technology assist teacher to teach in classroom but its cannot replaced. Therefore, this week I learned a lot of knowledge and funny with the exercise that my teacher asked me to do.
วันเสาร์ที่ 6 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2559

Learning log5

 Date: 2/08/2016

      On this day, Teacher gave the questions from the article "Using Blogs in Foreign Language Classoom: Encouraging Learner Independence" to find the answers. After that I learned about how to find the word in Corpus lead. I knew, if I wanted to find some word, I could type it in this program and the information appeared. It liked the Corpus in BNC web.Then teacher thought me about the other web that we can use to collect the information such as Antconc Program, Wordsmith, and Paraconc Morover, I learned how to construct the special Corpus by myself. I had to collect all the information that I interested in Notepad about 50,000 words and save them in txt file and make the data ready to use it in my special corpus and put it in Antconc Program.
วันอาทิตย์ที่ 31 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2559

Learning Log4

                  On this week, I joined with training about Corpus Linguistics by Dr. Kriangkrai Vathanalaoha from Srinakarinwirot University. I learned Corpus was not only a collection of words but it is a collection of written or spoken material stored on a computer and used to find out how language is used. It was a methadology of language and corpus was created since 1897. It was around 19th - early 20th century.The first corpus wrote about child diaries. In addition, I learned the  seven types of corpora.
 - Special Corpus: It was a specific information.
 - General Corpus: It was broad and large words of spoken and written British English.
 - Mutilingual Corpus: It added Spanish or American English and Indian English. 

 - Parallel Corpus: It was a translate text from English language to another language.
 - Learner Corpus: Language use crated by people learning a particular language.
 - Historical or Diachronic Corpus: 1.5 million words of text from 700AD - 1700AD.
 - Monitor Corpus: Continually being added to.
      Today, I learned the General Corpus about the concordances of  words which could make we understand a word by see their context.In the Corpus, we could find the collections that were used mostly or and I could set the number of words that I wanted to know, or the frequency by click Distribution information.Moreover, I practiced to use corpus to search some phrase such as swanning around which meant in negative way.T. Kriangkrai  gave exercise to us and taught If I waned to know some word that use with another word I could search "something * about him" and the word or adjective that could be used with men would be appeared. 

      Finally, Corpus was a useful tool for students and teachers could use it to collect and search the information. The most important we have to know How to apply it  to make our studying or teaching have efficiency.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 24 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2559

Learning Log3

Date: 22/07/2016
      This week,My major joined to the seminar that was about applying linguistics for teaching. Miss. Budsaba Kanoksilapatham is our expert to talk and taught us. I learned many things from for examples, The English teachers had to have the competence of pedagogy or teaching methods. I learned how to pronounce the letter “h”, consonant sounds (think, thank/them, the) and vowel sounds (guess, bread, full-fool, back-bag) I also learned how to stress the vocabulary such as the words character, ceremony, develop, anatomy, particular, continuous, majority, and familiarize, etc.  In addition, I learned a collocations and Pragmatics. It was the practice to act with other person. Moreover, I learned the Socialinguistics and knew  the language is the factors to tell status,gender, and age. I could identify the Semantics, which was American English or British English,such as eraser(BrE)s-rubber(NAmE), pants(NAmE)- trousers(BrE). Meanwhile, I knew the meaning of some slang word and connotation such as kid, gross, flunk, skinny(negative)- thin(positive). I learned Discourse which was the pattern in English and Corpus, they was very important to use and search English information . This opportunity, I learned many important things in Linguistics and made me had the spirit of the good English teacher for many student in the future.

Learning Log2

Date: 12/07/2016

        This day I have learned how to add gadget such as,clock,calendar,counter,and QR code in my blog.First,I searched to find the code of clock,calendar,counter that I like to copy them and paste on widget.After that, I also learned to link my friends to connect in the blog by added widget and type my friends' URL. It easy to visit my friends'blog.
Final,teacher taught me to make my text and sharing it to the public.



Learning Log1

Date: 06/07/2016

        On this day, I have learned to make weblog. First, teacher assigned me to have gmail account because I had to  use it to log in our blog. After that, the teacher told me What is the blog?. I knew the meaning of blog or weblog. I also learned  new vocabulary such as technophobe that meant a person who fears, dislikes, or avoids new technology. Techie which meant a person who is expert in or enthusiastic about technology, especially computing. Tech-savvy that meant proficient in the use of technology, especially computers. Next, I learned to select and download free template for blogger on the internet.I chose the only one template that was the most beautiful for me. The final,learned about acronyms that we had to use in this course.

These are the abbreviations 

ESOL    =   English for Speakers of Other Languages

TESOL   =   Teachers of English to Speakers of Other    Languages     

ELL     =    English language learner    

PDF     =    Portable Document Format

ESL     =    English as a Second Language

EFL     =    English as a Foreign Language

ELT     =    English language teaching


Homework 1

IT       =   Information Technology
ICT     =   Information and Communications Technology
CAI     =   Computer-Assisted Instruction/Computer-Aided Instruction
CALL   =   Computer-Assisted Language Learning
CMC    =   Computer Mediated Communication
              (การสื่อสาระหว่างบุคคลโดยผ่านคอมพิวเตอร์สองตัวขึ้นไปผ่าน Network หรือเครือข่ายอินเทอร์เน็ต)
TELL   =   Technology-Enhanced Language Learning
WBI    =   Web-Based Instruction
               (เครื่องมือสำหรับการจัดการเรียนการสอนในรูปของ E-learning หรือการเรียนสอนผ่านเว็ป)
MUDS =    Multiple User Dialogue/Multiple-User Dimension
               (โปรแกรมไปรษณีย์อิเล็กทรอนิกส์ หรือการสื่อสารที่ผูสนทนาอยู่ต่างสถานที่และต่างเวลากัน)
MOO   =   Multiple Domain Object Oriented
